F.I.R.E. - Modern city tribalism
Notes after watching the documentarieswith the Kayapo tribe (yet to be typed)
In the beginning of the academic year I was gonna look into the tribal aspects of urban life as part of the Expodium projects.

Comparison with the residents of Duindorp

Duindorp is district in the Hague

used to be separate, residents were fishermen and their families, poor area

today's still village like mentality, keeps together, Duindorp pride, gangs

relation to fire

Lekker bezig on my street (Pluvierstraat, Duindorp)

Images videos articles
''Our land was taken. But we still hold the knowledge of how to stop mega-fires''

The solution to the devastating west coast wildfires is to burn like our Indigenous ancestors have for millennia
''We know the solution is to burn like our Indigenous ancestors have done for millennia. But too often we are told we can’t burn. Simply put, it’s either because we don’t have the proper environmental clearance for burning under the National Environmental Policy Act, because of liability or because there aren’t enough personnel available to supervise the burn. This year it is because smoke will be bad for Covid-19 patients.

These are excuses, not solutions. We carry the same qualifications as the federal and state agencies when it comes to prescribed burning or otherwise managing fire, and we hold the Indigenous knowledge that is needed to get the job done right. We have the knowledge to conduct cultural burning that is perfectly safe, and in many cases, we do not even need fire lines. Yet the federal agencies still do not allow us to lead prescribed burns on lands administered by the National Forest System.''